Pick a Line, Any Line…

So I just watched a YouTube clip of a Brad Pitt interview in which the interviewer asked him about which lines have stuck with him from throughout his career. Pitt made an interesting observation that for each movie, he latches onto one line that sums up the character. Each day he revisits that line so that he doesn’t drift away from the character.

It made me think about my screenwriting process, and if I should do something similar.

When sitting down to write each day, it makes sense to revisit that key line for each character to ensure that I get inside their head and hear their voice.

It wouldn’t even have to be a line that is in the actual movie. Just a line that sums up the character’s voice. Their unique rhythm, their goal. That thing that differentiates them from the other characters.

Is this something you’re already doing?

I haven’t, but I’m going to start.


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